Işık, M. with Deveci M, Mishra AR, Rani P, Gokasar I, Delen D, Ooi KB, Daim T (2024). Evaluation of intelligent transportation system implementation alternatives in metaverse using a Fermatean fuzzy distance measure-based OCRA model . In , : Information Sciences 657 (SCIE, Q1).
Ertan, S.A. with Kiratli, O.S. (2024). When to Not Respond in Kind? Individuals’ Expectations of the Future and Their Support for Reciprocity in Foreign Policy. Political Behavior, 46(1), 1013-1035. doi: 10.1007/s11109-023-09857-y
Işık, M. with Deveci M, Çiftçi ME, Pamucar D, Wen X, Chin T, Kadry S (2024). Aircraft type selection using fuzzy trigonometric based OPA and RAFSI model. In , : Information Sciences 673 (SCIE, Q1).
Ertan, Arhan S., H. Akın Ünver (2024). Democratization, state capacity and developmental correlates of international artificial intelligence trade. Democratization, 31(5), 1018-145. doi: 10.1080/13510347.2023.2259318
Akay, H.G. with Dogan, I. (2024). The Impact of Unemployment on Health Status: The Case of Turkey. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 0, 0. doi: 10.1007/s41027-024-00487-4. (Scopus)
Işık, M. with Haseli G, Deveci M, Gokasar I, Pamucar D, Hajiaghaei-Keshteli M (2024). Providing climate change resilient land-use transport projects with green finance using Z extended numbers based decision-making model. In , : Expert Systems with Applications 243 (SCIE, Q1).
Ertan, Arhan S., et al. (2023). Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries. Nature Scientific Data (SSCI), 10, 272. doi: 10.1038/s41597-023-02080-8
Yildirim-Öktem Ö. with Erdogan I., Calabrò A., and Kiratli O. S. (2023). Effect of Environmental Dynamism on Entrepreneurial Orientation in Family Firms: The Moderating Role of Informal Institutions. Journal of Family Business Management (Scopus), 13(4), 1277-1305. doi: https://doi.org/10.1108/JFBM-11-2022-0128
Kıratlı. O. S. (2023). Policy Objective of Military Intervention and Public Attitudes: A Conjoint Experiment from US and Turkey. Political Behavior, -, -. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11109-023-09871-0
Kıratlı. O. S. (2023). Social Media Effects on Public Trust in the EU. Public Opinion Quarterly, 87(3), -. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/poq/nfad029
Kıratlı. O. S. (2023). Loving Globalization: High-Growth Enterprises and Public Opinion on Globalization in Europe. European Union Politics, 24(2), 286-306.
Ertan, Arhan S., Ünver, H. Akın (2023). The Strategic Logic of Digital Disinformation: Offense, Defence and Deterrence in Information Warfare. In Rubén Arcos, Irena Chiru, Cristina Ivan, Routledge Handbook of Disinformation and National Security (pp. chapter 14). https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Handbook-of-Disinformation-and-National-Security/Arcos-Chiru-Ivan/p/book/9781032040509: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003190363
Akay, H.G. with Isık, M. and Arslan, R.N. (2023). From Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: The Role of Responsible Research and Innovation. In , : IGI Global (Scopus).
Ertan, Arhan S., Akkemik, K. Ali (2023). Intertemporal and Cross-Sectional Contrasts in Effects of Trade: Significance of the Technology Content of Exports. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development (SSCI), 32(2), 189-218. doi: 10.1080/09638199.2022.2092197
Işık, M. with Gokasar I, Deveci M, Daim T, Zaidan AA, Smarandache F (2023). Evaluation of the alternatives of introducing electric vehicles in developing countries using Type-2 neutrosophic numbers based RAFSI model. In , : Technological Forecasting and Social Change 192 (SSCI, Q1).
Yildirim-Öktem Ö. with Randolph R. V., Memili E., Koç B., Young S., and Sönmez S. (2022). Innovativeness and Corporate Social Responsibility in Hospitality and Tourism Family Firms: The Role of Family Firm Psychological Capital. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 101(February 2022), 103128. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2021.103128 (SSCI)
Yildirim-Öktem, Ö. with Erdogan, I. (2022). Silence Before the Storm: Intragenerational Conflict for Succession. In Bang, N.P., Basco, R., Calabrò, A., Cheng, J., James, A., Diaz-Matajira, L. and Samara, G. (Eds), Family Business Case Studies across the World: Succession and Governance in a Disruptive Era (pp. 37-46). : Edward Edgar Publishing Limited.
Ertan, Arhan S., Ünver, H. Akın (2022). Politics of Artificial Intelligence Adoption: Unpacking the Regime Type Debate. In Filimowicz, Michael (editor), Democratic Frontiers: Algorithms and Society (pp. chapter 5). : Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003173427-5
Toksoy F. Balki, B. Stakheyeva, H. (2022). Merger Control in the EU and Turkey: A Comparative Guide, Second Edition. In , : Kluwer Law International.
Kıratlı. O. S. , Schlipphak. B. , Meiners. P. (2022). Salience matters: Crisis affectedness, elite cues and IO public legitimacy. The Review of International Organizations, 17, 877-898. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11558-021-09452-y
Işık, M. with Deveci M, Pamucar, D,Gokasar I, Coffman DM (2022). Fuzzy Einstein WASPAS approach for the economic and societal dynamics of the climate change mitigation strategies in urban mobility planning. In , (pp. 1-17). : Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (SSCI, Q1) .
Ertan et al. (2022). Predicting Attitudinal and Behavioral Responses to COVID-19 Pandemic Using Machine Learning. PNAS Nexus, 1(3), 1-15. doi: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac093
Işık, M. with Pamucar D, Deveci M, Stevic Z, Gokasar I, Coffman DM (2022). Green Strategies in Mobility Planning Towards Climate Change Adaption of Urban Areas Using Fuzzy 2D Algorithm . In , (pp. 104-159). : Sustainable Cities and Society 87 (SCIE, Q1).
Ertan, Arhan S., et al. (2022). National Identity Predicts Public Health Support during a Global Pandemic. Nature Communications (SSCI), 13(1), 517. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-27668-9
Kıratlı. O. S. (2021). Politicization of Aiding Others: The Impact of Migration on European Public Opinion of Development Aid. Journal of Common Market Studies, 59(1), 53-71. doi: 10.1111/jcms.13139 (SSCI)
Akay, H.G. with Cifter, A. and Dogan, I. (2021). Oil Prices and Stock Returns in the MENA Countries: A Firm-level Data Analysis. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 57(15), 4350-4360. doi: 10.1080/1540496X.2020.1809374 (SSCI)
Stakheyeva, H. (2021). Competition law in attempt to understand (Luxury) trademarks. European Competition Journal, 18(1), 1-20. doi: 10.1080/17441056.2021.1935567
Işık, M. with with Simic, V., Gokasar, I., Deveci, M (2021). Fermatean fuzzy group decision-making based CODAS approach for taxation of public transit investments . In , (pp. 4233-4248). : IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 70 (12) (SSCI, Q1/ SCI Q1 ) .
Aygören O, Koch S (2021). Community Support or Funding Amount: Actual Contribution of Reward- Based Crowdfunding to Market Success of Video Game Projects on Kickstarter. Sustainability, 13(16), 91-95. doi: 10.3390/su13169195 (SSCI)
Ertan, Arhan S. with Kıran, Gürbüz (2021). Global financial environment or monetary transmission mechanism? The (special) dynamics of Turkey's external deficit after 2002. International Journal of Finance & Economics (SSCI), 26(3), 4054-4076. doi: 10.1002/ijfe.2004
Işık, M. with Köksal, C., and Katırcıoğlu, S. (2020). The role of shadow economies in ecological footprint quality: empirical evidence from Turkey. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(12), 13457-13466. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-07956-5 (SSCI)
Kıratlı. O. S. (2020). Where do Hawks and Doves Fly when Shots are Fired?. Party Politics, 27(6), 1172–1183. doi: 10.1177/1354068820939777 (SSCI)
Ertan, A. and Musabeh, A. (2020). Foreign Direct Investment in North Africa: A Descriptive Analysis of the Performance, Policies, Challenges. In , Handbook of Research on Institutional, Economic, and Social Impacts of Globalization and Liberalization (pp. 446-471). : IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4459-4.ch025
Kıratlı. O. S. (2020). Together or not? Dynamics of Public Attitudes on UN and NATO. Political Studies, 70(2), 259–280. doi: 10.1177/0032321720956326 (SSCI)
Ertan, S. A., Karahan, C. C. and Köseli, M. (2020). Financial Value of Analyst Recommendations: Talent or Risk Factor?. Socioeconomy (ESCI), 28(46), 371 - 389. doi: 10.17233/sosyoekonomi.2020.04.17
Kıratlı. O. S. (2020). Public sensitivity to cultural identity and regime type of trading partners: a survey experiment from Turkey and Greece. European Political Science, 20(4), 630-647. doi: 10.1057/s41304-020-00290-x (SSCI)
Gülen, E., & Aygören, O. (2020). Understanding Political Consumerism, Political Participation and Their Antecedents: Evidence from Turkey. In Akkucuk U, The Handbook of Research on Creating Sustainable Value in the Global Economy (pp. 181-202). : IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1196-1.ch011
Ertan, Arhan S. and Kayhan, Fatih (2020). Differential Effects of Global Financial Crisis on Public and Private Bank Behavior: Literature Review and the Case of Turkish Banking Industry. Journal of Research in Economics, 4(1), 46 - 63. doi: 10.35333/jore.2020.149
Ertan, Arhan S., Karahan, Cenk C. and Temuçin, Teoman S. (2020). Estimating the Yield Curve for Sovereign Bonds: The Case of Turkey. Finans-Politik & Ekonomik Yorumlar Dergisi, 653, 137-159.
Işık, M. with Koksal C, and Katircioglu S. (2020). The role of shadow economies in ecological footprint quality: Empirical evidence from Turkey. In , (pp. 13457-13466 ). : Environmental Science and Pollution Research Vol. 27(12) (SCI, Q1).
Kıratlı O. S. (2019). Aiding together? Europeans’ attitudes on common aid policy. European Union Politics, 20(2), 261–281. doi: 10.1177/1465116518794306 (SSCI)
Yildirim-Öktem, Ö. with Üsdiken, B. (2019). Multiple Board Memberships and the Inner Circle in Family Business Groups. In Khlif, W., Gabrielson, J, Yamak, S. (Eds), Handbook of Research on Board of Directors (pp. 255-273). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781786439758.00024
Stakheyeva, H. (2019). At the crossroads between competition law and intellectual property : patent settlement agreements in the pharmaceutical sector. WIPO-WTO Colloquium Research Papers, 1, 123-135.
Stakheyeva, H (2019). Merger Control in the EU and Turkey: A Comparative Guide. In , Wolters Kluwer, Book - International Competition Law Series
Kıratlı O. S. (2019). ‘Thou shalt not kill’: a survey experiment on the effects of moral primes on war attitudes in Turkey. Turkish Studies , 21(5), 705-725. doi: 10.1080/14683849.2019.1692199 (SSCI)
Kıratlı O. S. (2019). On the Question of Generosity: Who Supports Foreign Aid to Whom?—Lessons from Turkey and Greece . International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 32(1), 176–188. doi: 10.1093/ijpor/edz008 (SSCI)
Akay, H.G. with Doğan C. (2019). The role of labor endowments on industry output in the short run: Evidence from U.S industries. International Review of Economics & Finance, 60, 281-291. doi: 10.1016/j.iref.2018.10.017 (SSCI)
Kıratlı O. S. (2018). To fight or not to fight? A multivariate analysis of Turkish public opinion on the use of force. Turkish Studies , 19(3), 363-380 . doi: 10.1080/14683849.2018.1453302 (SSCI)
Ertan, Arhan S. and Ersan, Ömer (2018). Estimating the Risk of Bankruptcy: An Analysis of Turkish Manufacturing Industry. Marmara University Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 40(2), 181-207. doi: 10.14780/muiibd.511028
Selekler-Goksen, N. with Yildirim-Öktem, Ö. (2018). Internationalization of Family Business Groups: Content Analysis of the Literature and a Synthesis Model. European Journal of Family Business, 8(1), 45-68. doi: 10.24310/ejfbejfb.v8i1.4146
Işık M. (2018). Getting Ready for the Post-Oil Age: The Entrepreneurship as the Rising Star of Development Policies in the Gulf States. Modern Economy, 9(1), 125-148. doi: 10.4236/me.2018.91008.
Yildirim-Öktem, Ö. with Memili, E., Fang, H. C., Koç, B.,and Sonmez, S. (2018). Sustainability practices of family firms: the interplay between family ownership and long-term orientation. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(1), 9-28. doi: 10.1080/09669582.2017.1308371 (SSCI)
Erhan Ünal, G. with Karapinar, B. and Tanaka, T. (2018). Welfare-at-Risk and Extreme Dependency of Regional Wheat Yields: Implications of a Stochastic CGE Model. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 69(1), 18-34. doi: 10.1111/1477-9552.12229
Yildirim-Öktem, Ö. (2018). Family involvement in governance of family business groups. European Journal of Family Business, 8(1), 5-15. doi: 10.24310/ejfbejfb.v8i1.5002 (EconLit)
Ünal, G. with Ata, Ü. Z. (2018). Effects of Sustainable Supply Chain Management on Responsible Investment Through ESG Indicators. In , Handbook of Research on Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Development
Stakheyeva, H (2018). Intellectual Property and Competition Law: Understanding the Interplay . In Bharadwaj, A., Devaiah, V., Gupta, I., Multi-dimensional Approaches Towards New Technology Insights on Innovation, Patents and Competition (pp. 3-19). Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-1232-8_1
Aygören O, Kadakal C A (2018). A Novel Measurement of Speed in Early Internationalization of New Ventures. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 10(3), 1-16. doi: 10.5539/ijms.v10n3p1
Helvacioglu, A. with Stakheyeva, H. (2017). The tale of two data protection regimes: The analysis of the recent law reform in Turkey in the light of EU novelties. Computer Law & Security Review, 33(6), 811-824. doi: 10.1016/j.clsr.2017.05.014 (SSCI)
Selekler-Goksen, N with Yildirim-Öktem, Ö. and Inelmen, K. (2017). Understanding citizenship behavior of academics in American- vs Continental European-modeled universities in Turkey. Personnel Review, 46(6), 1142-1164. doi: 10.1108/PR-06-2015-0182 (SSCI)
Akay, H.G. with Cifter A. and Teke O. (2017). Turkish Tourism, Exchange Rate and Income. Tourism Economics, 23(1), 66-77. doi: 10.5367/te.2015.0497 (SSCI)
Işık M. (2017). Making Innovation Development Policies Work for MENA: The Need for Entrepreneurship. In , Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation in the Middle East edited by Philippe W. Zgheib : IGI Publishing.
Stakheyeva, H. Toksoy, F.M. (2017). Merger Control in the Big Data World: To Be or Not To Be Revisited?. In , European Competition Law Review
Stakheyeva, H., Heilmann, C. (2017). Distributor’s right to compensation after distribution agreement has terminated under laws of Turkey and Germany. In , European Competition Law Review : Thomson Reuters.
Selekler-Goksen, N. with Yildirim-Öktem, Ö., Inelmen, K. (2016). The Impact of Organizational Justice on the Quality of the Leader- Member Relationship in Public versus Foundation Universities. Education and Science, 41(184), 383-398. doi: 10.15390/EB.2016.6139 (SSCI)
Ertan, Arhan S., Putterman, Louis and Fiszbein, Martin (2016). Who was colonized and when? A cross-country analysis of determinants. European Economic Review, 83, 165-184. doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2015.10.012 (SSCI)
Akay, H.G. with Doğan C. (2016). Multi-sector specific factors model with two mobile factors. International Review of Economics & Finance, 46, 136-147. doi: 10.1016/j.iref.2016.09.002 (SSCI)
Kıratlı O. S. (2016). Political discourses on Europe and European integration in national election manifestos and party programmes. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 29(2), 636-659. doi: 10.1080/09557571.2015.1058670
Helvacıoğlu, A. with Tektaş A., and Karataş A. (2016). The Potential Impact of Regional Beyond GDP Indicators on Elections. Regional Science Inquiry, 8(2), 65-72 .
H. Stakheyeva, A. Cacho-Laccara, Y.Tu. (2015). Information Exchanges in the EU and China: Assessment and Precedents. In , European Competition Law Review
Kıratlı O. S. (2015). European integration policy in Turkey: a comparison of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), 1965–2011. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 15(3), 261-279. doi: 10.1080/14683857.2015.1030192 (SSCI)
Ata U. Z. (2015). The role of information technology in supply chain sustainability. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences, 6(5), -.
Işık M. (2015). Policy implications of informality in Chinese labor market. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences, 6(3), 231-236.
Ünal, G. with Tan, O.F. (2015). Mutual Fund Performances of Polish Domestic Equity Fund Managers. Trends Economics and Management, 9(24), 53-60.
Aygören O, Yilmaz C (2015). Understanding Choice Behavior in Political Marketing Context: A Favorable Voter Responses Model. In Kubacki, K., Ideas in Marketing: Finding the New and Polishing the Old. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science (pp. 91–94). Cham: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10951-0_35
Ünal, G. with Çoşkun, A. (2015). Disclosure for Sustainability: The Case of Integrated Reporting. In , Akküçük U, Handbook of Research on Developing Sustainable Value in Economics, Finance, and Marketing : IGI Global.
Yildirim-Öktem, Ö., with Senol, N.F. (2015). İç halkaya dâhil olmak: Türkiye’deki büyük aile holdinglerinde profesyonel yöneticiler. ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, 42(3), 521 - 551.
Sakarya S. et al. (2015). Consumer receptiveness to international retail expansion: a cross-cultural study of perceptions of social and economic influence of foreign retailers. The International Review of Retail Distribution and Consumer Research, 25(3), 260-275. doi: 10.1080/09593969.2015.1013487
Ünal, G. with Tan, O.F. (2015). Selectivity and Market Timing Ability of Polish Fund Managers Analysis of Selected Equity Funds. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 213, 411-416. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.11.559
Ünal, G. with Tan O.F. (2015). Performance Evaluation of A-Type Turkish Mutual Funds in the Era of Quantitative Easing. Yıldız Social Science Review, 2(1), 35-46.
Kıratlı O. S. (2015). The role of identity in support for supranational integration in EU Foreign and Security Policies. European Integration Online Papers, 19(7), 1-37. doi: 10.1695/2015007 (SSCI)
Ünal, G. with Tan, O.F. (2015). Performance Evaluation of Turkish Equity Funds in an Era of Quantitative Easing. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 8(5), 553-568 . doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3094733
Özkan-Günay E. N. (2014). Risk Incorporation and Efficiency in Emerging Market Banks During the Global Crisis: Evidence from Turkey, 2002-2009. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade , 48(5), 91-102. doi: 10.2753/REE1540-496X4806S507 (SSCI)
Stakheyeva, H (2014). Competition Law vs Patent Settlement Agreements in Pharmaceutical Sector. In , Global Competition Law Review
R. Croce and H. Stakheyeva (2014). Competition Law and State Aid Reform in light of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and its impact on business in Ukraine. In , European Competition Law Review
Akay, H.G. with Cifter A (2014). Exchange rate exposure at the firm and industry levels: Evidence from Turkey. Economic Modelling, 43, 426-434. doi: 10.1016/j.econmod.2014.09.003 (SSCI)
Ünal, G. with Derindere Köseoğlu, S. (2014). Revealing the freight market risk in Istfix shipping area. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 6(6), 593-610. doi: 10.1504/IJSTL.2014.064904 (SSCI)
Unal G with Korman D (2013). Dynamic Conditional Correlation Analysis of Oil Prices and Stock Returns, Turkey and Russia. In , Conference Proceedings of the International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines
Özkan-Günay E. N., Memişoğlu O. (2013). Bilgi-tabanlı Ekonomi ve Büyüme Etkileşimi: BRICST ülkeleri deneyimi. In , Ahmet Faruk Aysan, Devrim Dumludağ, Kalkınmada Yeni Yaklaşımlar : İmge Kitabevi Yayınları.
Akay, H. G. (2013). Labor Demand for Skilled and Unskilled Labor: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms from Ghana. Actual Problems of Economics , 143(5), 195-204 (SSCI).
Akay, H.G. with Doğan C (2013). The Effect of Labor Supply Changes on Output: Empirical Evidence from US Industries. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 39(2), 123–130. doi: 10.1007/s11123-012-0290-2 (SSCI)
Ünal G. with Coşkun, A. (2013). Higher Education in Turkey: Trends Towards Self-Steering Public Universities. Yükseköğretim Dergisi, 3(1), 40-47.
Sakarya S., Soyer N. (2013). Cultural Differences in Online Shopping Behavior: Turkey and the United Kingdom. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 4(2), 227-251. doi: 10.7903/ijecs.1049
Kıratlı O. S. (2013). Democratic Deficit Critiques and the Non-Role of Epistemic Communities in the European Union. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3(12), 229-237.
Ertan, Arhan S., Putterman, Louis and Fiszbein, Martin (2012). Determinants and Economic Consequences of Colonization: A Global Analysis. SSRN Working Paper, -(#2129786), -. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.2129786
Stakheyeva, H (2012). Removing Obstacles to a More Effective Private Enforcement of Competition Law . In , Global Competition Litigation Review
Akay, H.G. (2012). Trade and Factor Returns: Empirical Evidence from U.S. Economy. International Review of Economics and Finance, 21(1), 77-86. doi: 10.1016/j.iref.2011.05.005 (SSCI)
Kıratlı O. S. (2012). Greece’s Unexpected Turn: From Reluctant Isolationist to Willing Integrationist in EU’s Foreign and Security Policies. International Studies, 49(3-4), 263–284. doi: 10.1177/0020881714534027
Ata Ü Z, with Toker A (2012). The Effect of Customer Relationship Management Adoption in Business-to-Business Markets. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 27(6), 497–507. doi: 10.1108/08858621211251497 (SSCI)
Sakarya S. et al. (2012). Social alliances: Business and social enterprise collaboration for social transformation. Journal of Business Research, 65(12), 1710-1720. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2012.02.012
Unal, G. with Onay, C. (2012). Cointegration and Extreme Value Analysis of Bovespa and Istanbul Stock Exchanges. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 12, 66-90. doi: 10.2139/SSRN.1636183 (SSCI)
Unal G with Korman D (2012). Analysis of Extreme Dependence Between Istanbul Stock Exchange and Oil Returns. The International Journal of Business and Finance Research, 6(4), 113-124.
Özkan-Günay E. N, Çukurçayır Y. (2012). Foreign Direct Investment as a Development Strategy: Knowledge Diffusion and Innovation Capability in Competing Emerging Economies. In , Industrial Dynamics, Innovation Policy and Economic Growth through Technological Advancements : IGI Global.
Yildirim-Öktem, Ö. with Selekler-Goksen, N. with Sakarya, S., Bodur, M. (2012). Social alliances: Business and social enterprise collaboration for social transformation. Journal of Business Research, 65(12), 1710-1720. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2012.02.012 (SSCI)
Unal G., with Derindere Koseoglu S. (2012). Market Risk of Index Futures and Stock Indices: Turkey as a Developing Country vs. Developed Countries. Journal of Business and Policy Research, 7(3), 159-177.
Özkan-Günay E. N., Nenem S., (2012). Hub Efficiency in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: The Impact of Geographical Positioning. Eurasian Economic Review, 2(2), 37-53. doi: 10.14208/BF03353836
Özkan-Günay E. N, Ceylan D. (2012). Benchmarking economy-wide energy efficiency trends and policies in Europe: Is There a Convergence in Emission Performance towards the EU Average?. İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 27(317), 29-59 (SSCI).
Aygören O, Cengiz Y, Özdemir Ö (2012). Türkiye’de siyasi kutuplaşmayı oluşturan unsurlar: Seçmen tercihlerinde ekonomik oy verme davranışından toplumsal travma kuramına kadar bir dizi etkenin görece etkileri. İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 27(311), 09-39. doi: 10.3848/iif.2012.311.3228 (SSCI)
Helvacıoğlu, A. with Tektas A, Gunay EN, and Karatas M (2012). Correlates of innovation capability among SMEs in Turkey: An empirical study. International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 2(4), 67-83.
Tektas, A. with Aytekin, A. (2011). Supplier Selection in the International Environment: A Comparative Case of A Turkish and an Australian Company. IBIMA Business Review, 2011, 1-14. doi: 10.5171/2011.598845
Helvacıoğlu, A. with Tektaş, A. (2010). The Policy and Efficiency Analysis of EU Pre-Accession Funds in Turkey as the Instruments of Multi-Level Governance. Lex Localis - Journal of Local Self-Government, 8(2), 161-183. doi: 10.4335/8.2.161-183
Tektas, A. with Ozdemir Tosun, E. (2010). Performance Benchmarking in Turkish Food and Beverage Industry. Communications of the IBIMA, 2010, 1-10. doi: 10.5171/2010.265801
Yildirim -Öktem, Ö. and Üsdiken, B. (2010). Contingencies versus External Pressure: Professionalization in Boards of Firms Affiliated to Family Business Groups in Late-Industrializing Countries. British Journal of Management, 21(1), 115-130. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2009.00663.x (SSCI)
Ertan, Arhan S.; Putterman, Louis and Page, Talbot (2009). Who to Punish? Individual Decisions and Majority Rule in Mitigating the Free Rider Problem. European Economic Review (SSCI), 53(5), 495-511. doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2008.09.007
Tektaş, A. with Hortaçsu, A. (2009). Modeling the Country Selection Decision in Retail Internationalization. International Journal of Business, Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, 3(7), 1563-1570.
Yildirim-Öktem, Ö. with Selekler-Gökşen, N. (2009). Countervailing institutional forces: corporate governance in Turkish family business groups. Journal of Management & Governance, 13(3), 193-213. doi: 10.1007/s10997-009-9083-z (Scopus)
Helvacıoğlu-Kuyucu, A.D. with Tektaş, A. (2008). The Impact of Local Decision-Making in Regional Development Schemes on the Achievement of Efficiency in EU Funds. International Journal of Social Sciences, 2(8), 840-848.
Yildirim-Öktem, Ö. with Selekler-Gökşen, N. (2008). Impact of board characteristics on internationalization of business group affiliates. Bogazici Journal, 22(1), 53-71.
Oktem-Yıldırım, O. with Usdiken, B. (2008). Changes in the institutional environment and “non-executive” and “independent” members of the boards of directors of firms affiliated to large family business groups. Review of Public Administration, 41(1), 43-71 (SSCI).