Minor Programs

Application Prerequisite Courses (credits/ECTS)

INTT 111 Economics I (3/5)

INTT 112 Economics II (3/5)

Equivalent courses offered by other departments may be accepted.

Required Courses (credits/ECTS): 4 required courses (12 credits/18 ECTS)

INTT 211 International Trade (3/5) Prerequisite: INTT 111

INTT 212 Exchange Rate Regimes & Trade (3/5) Prerequisite: INTT 112

INTT 241 International Economic Law (3/4) Prerequisite: INTT 142 or consent of instructor for non INTT students

INTT 253 Export Import Management (3/4) No prerequisite

Elective Courses (credits/ECTS): 2 elective courses (6 credits / 8-10 ECTS)

Depending on the approval by the minor degree advisor, students will take any two from INTT 3XX-4XX courses.

Total Number of Courses (credits/ECTS)

4 required courses (12 credits / 18 ECTS), 2 elective courses (6 credits / 8-10 ECTS)


If you have questions that are not answered here regarding minor programs, you can contact our department's double major advisor, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehtap Işık (ozcanli@bogazici.edu.tr).